Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Community Development of Balingasag: For Peace and Progress

Long live Balingasag! Your crown of glory will shine forever!          
           I strongly believe that today is the product of yesterday, and that what we have now is what the past handed down to us. To connect with the past, allow me to give you a glimpse of the old Balingasag.
           History relates that the town has existed for over a century now. This was founded by Antonio Ramon Madroño and Mamerto Manuel Valmores who were then the grandson of the first two datus to settle in the place.
          But how did the name Balingasag came into birth? Well, a number of phenomena are presented by historians but the most logical as they say, is that of this founders when they agreed to build that town in that very place they used to catch crabs, 'balinganan sa kasag'. People at first became accustomed to say this phrase to refer to the place but later on became tired and thus shortened it to 'Balingasag'.
         People in the neighboring places, in the hope of improving their lives, inhabited the town and made it an ideal abode for themselves and their offspring alike.
         Who are we then? Why are we here? We are the great, great grandchildren of our foreparents who first inhabited here and we are here simply because they created this place to live in. We are the remnants of the sweet memories left behind by them whose exemplary characters and minds made us what we are today.
         Yes! We are the product of those who risk their lives for their hometown, of whose brains and brawns are insurmountable,  of those men and women of vision and action and whose faith in God is beyond any comparison.
         It's so sad to think that these people we look up to are no longer with us. Yet, it is said, that when great men die the era dies with them but there memories remain and inspiration.
         It cannot be denied that Balingasag has gone through a lot of prunings and shapings. And as the authors of the book entitled history of Balingasag say. "It is a town of changing rhythms, meeting challenges, resolving conflicts and above all, facing up eternal change the way life is.
         It is therefore our challenge to save our town and continue with what have been started for us. Let us believe in our ability to make things possible. Let us make Balingasag live longer by preserving anything left by those who have gone ahead of us---our moral values, ancestral properties, cultural heritage and not to forget, our spiritual practices. For Governor Oscar S. Moreno once said. "Knowledge and experience grow incrementally.  That one achievement leads to another, that most actions of values come from people who have built on the work done by others in the past.
       My dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, how will we answer the call for peace, progress and development of our very own town? Are we willing to forget ourselves just to lift the spirit of our poor brethren? i am deeply touched with the way this organization BALINT'L looks back to its town. For they who established it are the emblem of true Christianity and exemplified philantrophy because even if they no longer live here, their hearts still belong here. What about us? Can we serve others faithfully with dedication? Can we chase away pretense and live our futile pride behind? Can we reject our political interest and choose to live in humility? Are we willing to give up everything and make Christ the center of our lives? If we can readily say "yes!" to these questions, then there's no reason why Balingasag will not become the most peaceful, the most progressive and the most highly developed town in the entire province. 
        For to me, The best way to change the face of the community is to change first ourselves.

        Long live Balingsagnons! Long live Balingasag!

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